With a kind, caring demeanor, I am an experienced guide who can help you navigate obstacles in your way.  Together, we can view problems not as failings, but as opportunities for personal growth and learning, helping you secure the happiness and personal fulfillment you seek.

I bring a warm, caring and interactive style to our meetings.  You will find it easy to make a positive connection and feel supported.   This is the first step in working as a powerful client-therapist team to achieve the gains you seek.  I promise to treat the issues you bring with sensitivity, compassion and competence.  I have 27 year’s experience providing evidence-based, cognitive behavioral therapy.  I help people make desired changes, overcome problems, increase skillful living, uncover deeper parts of themselves, gain insight and move to greater awareness and life satisfaction.  The obstacles in your path are an invitation to learn new ways of coping and to make contact with your deeper Self in a journey into healing.

Some of my areas of expertise with individual clients include:

  Life Stress



  Life Transition

  Relationship Obstacles


 Substance Abuse & Addiction


I bring a rich array of therapeutic approaches to our work including:
Short-Term Problem Solving: Targeted solution-focused assistance to move through obstacles.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Identifying and changing negative thoughts, patterns and limiting self-beliefs

Mindful Awareness:  Increased ability to stay focused in the present moment rather than getting lost in worries about the future or self-criticism about the past

ACT (Acceptance & Commitment Therapy):  By focusing on living our deepest values, we can let go of becoming over- involved with negative, anxious self-talk and feelings.

Insight-oriented Depth Therapy:   Gaining conscious understanding of one’s deeper self and the patterns and dynamics which rule our lives.

Transpersonal Approaches:  Inclusion of the Spiritual side of oneself in the therapeutic work

Body / Somatic Awareness:  Increasing one’s awareness of internal states

I look forward to our work together!